Implementation of Contact Center with Work-From-Home for Maintaining Stable Operation under Disasters, COVID-19 Pandemic, and Other Emergencies.

Premier Anti-Aging Co.,Ltd.

  • Contact Center
  • Manufacturer
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This page is for you if you:

  • Establish a system that can provide a stable support to customers without keeping them waiting

  • Considering establishing work-from-home contact centers

  • Improve the retention rate and increase productivity and customer service quality


  • Business continuity under natural disaster or global pandemic

  • Realization of work-from-home in complete security with high productivity and service quality

  • Increase retention rate by creating a better work environment

Installation Survice

  • Contact center

    Implementation of a full package of Bell@Home work-from-home contact center system


  • Work-from-home contact centers enabled business continuity and establishment of a backup system in case of emergency

  • Employee engagement improved with work-from-home implimentaton: greater flexibility of handling with their family circumstances or traffic conditions

  • Icreased productivity with motivated workers

There must have been many cases where contact centers had to be partially closed due to emergencies such as disasters and the COVID-19 pandemic. Premier Anti-Aging Co., Ltd., a fast-growing cosmetics and health food company, also faced this problem. Therefore, the company considered “utilizing a work-from-home contact center” in partnership with BELLSYSTEM24, which had been undertaking the company’s contact center operations since 2016. With BELLSYSTEM24’s problem-solving suggestions and overall coordination, the company was able to implement work-from-home at two of its four contact centers.


Ms. Yuri Kobayashi, Senior Manager, Direct Marketing Headquarters Customer Experience Management Department Contact Center Team

Maintain operations and respond to customers without keeping them waiting, even during emergencies

Premier Anti-Aging Co., Ltd. has been growing rapidly since its establishment in December 2009 through the sales of natural skin care products, including the DUO series of cleansing balms. Since about 80% of the company’s products are sold through its e-commerce site, the company has positioned its contact centers as its most important function to increase customer loyalty and further strengthen its brand.

Therefore, it was a big challenge to ensure that the contact center could continue to provide stable customer service even during emergencies such as disasters and the COVID-19 pandemic without reducing operations.

“In the past, we have had to temporarily close our contact center in Fukuoka due to a disaster. And during the COVID-19 pandemic from 2020, we needed to close one of our four contact centers. At that time, we hurried to set up a system where agents from other centers could respond to customers to cover the situation, but as a result, we had to keep customers waiting in some cases,” said Ms. Kobayashi.

Therefore, Premier Anti-Aging and BELLSYSTEM24 discussed ways to improve and began to consider “implementing work-from-home contact centers.” “We thought that even if some of our contact centers were closed due to an emergency, our agents would be able to work from home and continue their business operations as long as they were healthy,” said Ms. Kobayashi.

Maintain operations and respond to customers without keeping them waiting, even during emergencies

Take measures against each of the concerns about work-from-home

However, there had been various concerns about the specific implementation, according to Ms. Kobayashi. She also said that when she proposed the implementation of work from home to the company’s management team, several issues were raised.

“The biggest issue was security. A major concern was whether risk management could be thoroughly implemented, such as whether personal information could be leaked even if agents did not intend to do so,” said Ms. Kobayashi. Other concerns included the fact that agents work out of sight of managers, making it difficult to accurately monitor their operational status as well as concerns about care and follow-up to ensure that they do not feel isolated.

In response to Premier Anti-Aging’s concerns, BELLSYSTEM24 proposed the implementation of Bell@Home, a work-from-home solution with security measures equal to or better than the existing contact center environment. In addition, we proposed a total solution to address their concerns by providing various training programs for starting work-from-home contact centers, managing the presence status of each agent through real-time communication using web tools, and providing follow-up services.

"BELLSYSTEM24 did not respond to our concerns with aggressive sales talk, saying, 'We can do it all,' but always approached each problem with a sincere attitude, saying, 'We'll try to find a way,' so we could trust their proposals,” said Ms. Kobayashi.

That is how Premier Anti-Aging decided to outsource the implementation of the Bell@Home work-from-home contact center service and its overall coordination to BELLSYSTEM24. We started with 10 seats in two contact centers and customer service via email, and then gradually expanded.

Eliminate anxiety about implementing work from home with complete security measures

To address Premier Anti-Aging’s concerns and ensure trouble-free implementation of work from home, BELLSYSTEM24 focused on four main points.

The first is “robust security measures.” “Bell@Home” is equipped with peeping and spoofing detection, and has complete security measures such as external output restriction and external access control. In addition, for the business operations of Premier Anti-Aging, we contracted fixed IP addresses and set them to be accessible only from the IP addresses specified in the cloud to further improve security accuracy. This has allowed us to build an infrastructure and operational structure to prevent information leaks.

“With 'Bell@Home', for example, if the webcam even only glimpses a agent’s family member, the screen will go black and become inoperable. The system is such that only the agent can use the computer. This was a more robust security system than we could have ever imagined,” said Ms. Kobayashi. She continued that this complete security measure was a big step toward eliminating concerns about implementing work from home.

Furthermore, in addition to the “Non Disclosure Agreement” for home-based agents, BELLSYSTEM24 has created its own “Work Environment Pledge for Telecommuters.” The documents containing contracts are kept in-house to prepare for any eventuality.

Ms. Yuri Kobayashi,
Senior Manager, Direct Marketing Headquarters Customer Experience Management Department Contact Center Team

Provided real-time follow-up and management of home-based agents

The second is the “follow-up of home-based agents.” To ensure that home-based agents do not feel isolated, we have established a system that allows real-time communication at all times. Based on this, we maximized the use of communication tools such as Zoom and Teams for in-depth follow-up. Morning meetings, training sessions, and one-on-one interviews are held via Zoom, while escalations and sharing of tasks and schedules by team are done via Teams.

Since digital communication is somewhat difficult compared with face-to-face communication, training sessions were also held to familiarize agents with digital communication prior to the implementation of work from home.

The third is “management, including attendance management.” We have built a system that can check the presence or absence of home-based agents on the contact center side. In addition, productivity management and quality control are performed, and the PDCA cycle is implemented with management equivalent to that of existing centers.

“In general, it is difficult to visualize the effectiveness of a contact center, but BELLSYSTEM24 always sets KPIs for productivity and quality and quantifies the results. In this way, they keep implementing the PDCA cycle toward high goals. This is a big reason why we trust them as a business partner,” said Ms. Kobayashi.

Before starting these operations, the company “defined human resource requirements” and selected personnel who met the requirements as home-based agents, In addition, compliance training, information protection training, and work rule training were provided in advance to ensure that the system was in place for smooth operation. This is the fourth point that we focused on.

Improved productivity and service quality with motivated agents

As a result of identifying issues in advance and taking thorough measures to address each of them, Premier Anti-Aging was able to smoothly launch its work-from-home contact centers. Now, one year after its implementation, they achieved various goals.

“First, we are able to ensure business continuity. With the backup system in place for the work-from-home contact centers, we are now able to ensure stable operations even in the event of an emergency. I think that this also translates into sales for the company,” said Ms. Kobayashi. In addition, work-from-home contact centers have the advantage of reducing costs because they can reduce fixed costs, making them less expensive than regular booths.

Ms. Kobayashi continued that one of the major achievements has been the increase in agent engagement. “We have heard from home-based agents that they are ‘able to balance work and household chores,’ are ‘not affected by traffic conditions,’ and are ‘able to work without stress.’ A work environment that allows agents to work longer hours according to their family circumstances will increase their motivation, resulting in improved quality and productivity. I believe that this will in turn lead to profits for the company, creating a positive spiral,” said Ms. Kobayashi.

In fact, home-based agents are more productive than those in existing contact centers. And other agents are striving to meet the requirement for work from home, resulting in a virtuous cycle of increased productivity for the center as a whole.

Continues to take on new challenges to become an “aggressive contact center”

Premier Anti-Aging’s work-from-home contact center started with only email answering services, but the company says it hopes to expand to telephone answering services in the future. “Since our founding, we have always challenged ourselves to grow. While there are some issues with our work-from-home contact centers that handle phone inquiries, we want to ensure a more stable and comfortable work environment and improve customer satisfaction by taking on challenges, learning, and making improvements,” said Ms. Kobayashi.

Ms. Kobayashi’s goal is to create “not defensive but aggressive contact centers.” “I want to work on marketing and strategy formulation, which can only be done by contact centers that interact with customers on a daily basis. To that end, I hope that BELLSYSTEM24 will continue to make new proposals that make use of input and feedback, and grow together with us.”

Premier Anti-Aging Co.,Ltd.

Corporate website:

Established in December 2009. The company is engaged in the planning, development, import/export, mail-order sales, wholesales, and retail sales of cosmetics and health foods, including the aging care brand “DUO” and the high-performance aging care brand “CANADEL.” Listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Mothers market in October 2020. In August 2022, cumulative sales of the main cleansing balm “DUO” series exceeded 40 million units. Capital: 1,351 million yen (as of the end of July 2022), Sales: 33,911 million yen (full year ended July 2022).

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