Auto Answer Solution

We offer structure building of scenarios and contents for smooth interaction with end users by exploiting our expertise of scriptualized talks on Chatbot and Voicebot in contact center.

Click here to read information about the AI chatbot/AI voicebot “ekubit?” provided by BELLSYSTEM24.

Service features

  • Issue1

    Generate scenarios for smooth interactions with end users

  • Issue2

    Analysis of scenarios and contents optimization

  • Issue3

    Alignment of solutions on omnichannels

Service overview

Our project pursues to achieve omnicannel contact centers by implementing auto response systems such as Chatbot and Voicebot to generize scenarios and contents, and analyzing call reasons from text data extracted from voice recognition system to allocate an appropriate response methods related to such as QA, Chatbot, Voicebot, or manned response.

POINT1 Chatbot

We implement Chatbot to support self-solution of end users with detailed design of its optimized scenarios and contents for smooth interaction with end users toward problem solving, based on present data analysis and discussions from perspectives to process contents, and data.

POINT2 Voicebot

Same as Chatbot, the option of Voicebot on our BellCloud+® facilitating end users'self-solution has the function of self-generation of its scenarios and contents to deal with completion of response on Voicebot, identity verification, and routing toward appropriate skills.

POINT3 Chatbot Scenarios

We offer an outline design of the scenario and contents for the implementation of Chatbot, facilitating end users' self-solution, by identifying the scope of Chatbot and under comprehensive analysis of contact center operations and inquiries, and allocate appropriate response methods related to QA, Chatbot, Voicebot, or manned response based on the analysis of call reasons text data extracted from voice recognition system.

POINT4 Voicebot Scenarios and IVR Optimization

We design comprehensive scenarios and contents based on the detailed analysis of Voicebot interaction data in the scope of process, contents, and data, to deal with completion of response on Voicebot, identity verification, and routing toward appropriate skills for smooth interaction with end users toward problem solving.

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